Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Worldless Wednesday

This is just a teaser - I'll give the full explaination in my next post. You won't want to miss it.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

White Christmas!

Last night my office at our Christmas Party.  The infamous Will took the opportunity to sport is most festive attire.  And as expected, the red sweater / green tie combo was quite a crowd pleaser. There was good food and nice company; a good time was had by all (the open bar didn't hurt either.)

Then this morning I woke up to several inches of snow on the ground! This is the second snow fall of the season for us in the Mid-Atlantic but this one is far more significant than the first and has been officially categorized as a blizzard. Looks like it will be a White Christmas this year. Too bad I won't be here to enjoy it. I just checked the 10 day forecast for Amsterdam - looks like lots of cold and rain - yippie.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sibling Bribery


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Semi Wordless Wednesday

You know you guys can always count on me to watch the cheesiest t.v. shows out there. This week has been no exception. I'm officially a fan of the new show The Sing Off and I'm sorry it's only going to be on for one week. If you're a fan of music or singing, really bad broadway style dance or cutesy matching sweaters then set your DVRs people.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Poor Telly Monster

I can't believe that Christmas is next week. More than that, I can't believe my trip is next week and I am so not ready.  I don't even know if I have my suitcase. I did my final shopping this weekend for some little gifts for neices and nephews (of course when I got home my husband reminded me that I forgot about one so I need to go out again. ugh.) I think I'm going to need an extra suitcase just for the presents. Is that crazy?

I also bought a new scarf and gloves for myself.  Amsterdam easily beats Seattle for the wettest weather ever and this time of year it's freaking freezing. On top of that - we do a ton of walking while we're there, so I need to be prepared.  My winter coat is navy blue and the scarf I found included several shades of blue as well as green and purple. Then I found a pair of purple chenile gloves to match - super cute!

I couldnt wait to wear my new acceseries to work Monday morning - but things quickly took a turn for the worse. By the time I got to the office, my super cute purple chenile gloves has shed purple fuzz all over my navy coat.

It looked like I murdered a muppet.

I'm hoping this is only because they are new. Do you think if I run them through the wash it will help?


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Skating on the frozen canals of Amsterdam.


Friday, December 4, 2009

The Final Countdown ...

For the last two days on my way to work I have been witnessing the most bizarre sequence of road signs displayed. I will now share with you the progression as I have seen it and I challenge you to explain it.

(fyi -these are not photos of the actual signs I saw - I'm not that good)

These signs are being displayed on US Route 100 in Maryland. US Route 1 is a few exits down from the stretch I usually drive but it is NOT a major highway. It has traffic lights - it's nothing special. On top of that, 2 exits before it is the Baltimore-Washington Pkwy, THAT is a major highway; and 2 exits further down is freaking Interstate 95! Why did the road workers feel the need to remind everyone how far they were from Route 1?

If that wasn't strange enough - less than a mile down the road we get this sign.

WTF Thanks for the countdown?

Is this some new program I'm not aware of?

Seriously - is there something you should be telling us here? I mean, since when is 6am on a Thursday the prime time for drunk drivers? I think most people are fairly conscious of looking out for dangerous drivers on the road but is this really the time and place for the sign?

O-K ... Maybe I should move.
Is this what my tax dollars are paying for?
Was there just an over abundance of prisoners on work release this month - just trying to keep them busy? Or are the 911 operators bored and looking for someone to chat with?


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Not So Wordless Wednesday

I totally won concert tickets on the radio today! I've never won ANYTHING before. It's so exciting. The concert isn't until March and it's on a Tuesday night which blows but maybe I will just use it as an excuse to take a day off of work. Okay I'm excited again. Now I just have to figure out who to give my extra ticket to ... hmm.

By the way - the tickets are for Norah Jones; love her!

I hope the seats are good. Ugh, the claustrophobic, agoraphobic, panic stricken nut inside me is already getting anxious that I might not have an isle seat.

Have any of you ever won anything on the radio before?

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